
Chicken ‘n Eggs

Chicken ‘n Eggs In the summer of 2022, Working Faith received a donation of chicken and cartons of eggs (each carton consists of 30 eggs) that were distributed to 650 families in the two villages of Debel and Alma El Chaab. They were taken into special freezers and provided to needy families whose names were…

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Let’s have Fun

Let’s have Fun This activity was designed for kids between the ages of six to thirteen years old. The Working Faith volunteer team started the activity for kids in both the borderline and Beirut areas. The program consists of games and crafts along with a special time dedicated to sharing the gospel with all attendees.…

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Medical Day

Medical Day The economic deterioration led to the collapse of the healthcare system. Thus, medical need has aggravated in the Lebanese communities—in both borderline and Beirut areas—for all age groups, resulting from the lack of social and medical care that should be available in modern governments. Working Faith joined hands with a couple of Christian…

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Ladies ministry

Ladies Ministry In association with the municipalities of Deir Mimas and Debel, the ladies’ ministry began by creating a women’s support group in 2021. This initiative was triggered by the deteriorating economic conditions in the country after the COVID-19 outbreak and the Beirut port explosion. The crisis affected a huge number of families, namely in…

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